Title: "Empowering Through Education: Our Journey of Innovation and Cultural Diplomacy in Orange Mound"
At the Orange Mound News Network (OMNN), we are committed to uplifting and empowering our community through education, innovation, and cultural diplomacy. My journey began at 19 when I moved to Orange Mound and purchased a home. As an independent carpet installation subcontractor, I worked for prominent retailers like Sears, gaining valuable experience and skills. This entrepreneurial spirit laid the foundation for my future endeavors in education and cultural promotion.
By 16, I had already ventured into the music world as the lead singer in an all-white band, a unique opportunity that exposed me to diverse cultural experiences and stage performance. During the era of Black activism, I joined the Buddhist sect shared by Tina Turner, embodying a spiritual philosophy that guided my life and teaching. This spiritual journey was solidified when I took a photograph with Tina Turner in Memphis on May 16, 1984.
In 1970, I began practicing and teaching Shotokan Karate in Orange Mound, integrating the spiritual aspects of Eastern philosophy into my training. This dedication to martial arts and spirituality led to significant community engagement and personal growth. My home became a hub for education and culture, where assistants working with me in carpet installation also trained in karate.
In 1979, I promoted the first kickboxing bouts in the Mid-South, and by 1981, I brought ESPN to Memphis, gaining invaluable experience in national television production. This endeavor involved collaborating with city officials, including Memphis Mayor Wyeth Chandler, and learning the intricacies of broadcast production, further enhancing my skills and national visibility. The production challenges, such as ensuring the Cook Convention Center met ESPN's criteria, including covering windows from sunlight, provided a unique educational experience in event management and media relations.
The national attention culminated in my 1982 World Heavyweight Title fight, supported by Coors National, making me the first American kickboxer sponsored by a major corporation. This partnership brought me to Golden, Colorado, where Coors provided a national makeover, placing me in major African American publications and solidifying my role as a national representative for ethnic marketing. I had the honor of having Coors President Peter Coors visit my home for a photo opt, a testament to the significance of this sponsorship.
My career in entertainment extended to promoting Black Entertainment Television and producing my own telecasts. By 1990, my movie was played in theaters in Kenya, and I had promoted tours for Black Americans to travel there, introducing kickboxing and sharing cultural experiences. My travels continued with significant events like the opening of the first Nichiren Shoshu Temple in Africa, documenting and filming these moments. My visit to Ghana in 1998 for the temple opening was a significant milestone, reflecting my dedication to cultural exchange and education.
In 2006, I created the first all-African home in America, transforming it into the "Safari House Museum and Education Center." This center has hosted ambassadors and international figures, demonstrating my commitment to cultural exchange and education. My home, initially a center for karate and Buddhism, evolved into a space for showcasing African culture and heritage. This transformation highlights the dynamic nature of cultural education and its impact on the community.
Today, OMNN stands as a beacon of innovation and cultural diplomacy. With over 1,000 videos on YouTube and numerous news releases, we provide a platform for storytelling and community engagement. My 50 years of dedication to culture and education bring immense value to Orange Mound, fostering a community where innovation and cultural pride flourish. This experience in media production and promotion ensures that OMNN remains at the forefront of cultural storytelling.
Our mission at OMNN is to challenge negative stereotypes and biased portrayals of our community by highlighting the rich history, culture, and educational experiences that define us. We aim to inspire and educate, creating a positive narrative for Orange Mound and beyond. Through our efforts, we seek to empower individuals and promote a deeper understanding of our heritage.